just 10 days i nv use com, everything look so different, one manga now wanna read the chapter still need to click another time to proceed.. then the rollingstone every page got one advert then wan close also cannot close.. and the homepage for blogger also changed liao -.-
heard singapore got silver sia.. then today while cleaning the mass can watch tv.. saw li jiawei losing to the chinese woman.. semi i think?? i dunno.. i dont even know what's happening outside
life sucks in army, everything is so regimental. the hierarchy, respect it or u will end up getting fucked.. lol one of my fren confronted the pti coz he always kenna target, the pti also dont like him la coz of his attitude.. but the way he say damn funny la.. 'if u not happy with me just say la, dont like girl liddat' something like this.. u have to be there to feel it.. then after that we kenna fuck at the swimming pool.. a few times damn sian.. bt overall the training is still not bad.. at first quite tough la but now the drop punishment we also hiu lan liao. just do lor, give them half fuck also can, unless the instructor stand in front of u
then the seniors shared their experience with us, saying that csm nbh is a totally different person during hell week.. can laugh when he pump u sia... like saddist liddat :| then still got another one is tying up both ur hands and feet and u have to swim 10 laps then need bob down and up 15 times and do a forward and reverse turn lol sounds impossible
the day i called home and heard my mom's voice, i really teared.. and i can only say the most important woman in ur life is ur mom.. i dont miss home or whatever, maybe abit but that's like a reflex reaction
moving on is my bunk.. one of them came alone during enlistment then my sis saw him la, say he very ke lian come alone, later make frens with him la, then i jokingly said later i go di siao him laugh him say ahahah u come alone ar... then we went to this lect hall and he was sitting beside me, and coincidentally, he's my bunkmate.. very nice guy, cancerian also but not the wishy-washy type and the emo type.. every night talk cock with him one, think he's the one liao -.- then the other 2 are brian and bryan... the brian is a fucker, if he go star awards i'm sure he will get the best actor.. infront of instructor he sure do everything one. then when they not ard, dont think of asking him to do anything.. today i nearly snap but i think i'm too rash also, not enough slp, not in the right state of mind.. then the other bryan, first day i saw him, i dont like his face sia, coz of the hair lol, but after the shave, i think he's alright la, i dont talk much with him also but i think he can be no.2 -.-
overall its a good experience, knowing that there's things u can live with and things u cant live without. lying on the bed while watching tv, showering urself with warm water for 10, 15 mins, snacking every 2 hours, using the com everyday [maybe not coz i just use 1 hr now and i'm bored already], hmm maybe playing songs on ur winamp, wmp or itunes can be a luxury.. be glad with life, coz life can be even worse
will it be boring to write everything abt army? pls tag