this year was really really fast, comparing to the 20 odds ones i've already went through. nothing much this year and it really do feel like the end of 2008, and thought of doing the same no.1s of everything but so outdated
anyway i'll still try to pen it down
the no.1 list (drum roll)
moment of the year
have to be crossing the finish line of the 2.4km with the time on the clock showing a gold timing.. it's like a moment of usain bolt
artiste of the year
the BEP!! awesome album and with 3 no.1 hits, who can beat them? and a great performance during fashion rocks, check it out
band of the year
tough choice between arctic monkeys, wilco, kings of leon, phoenix, paramore, and girls.. maybe its a bias list of bands and the last 2 bands was last minute entry. i'd love to vote for phoenix if only their style varied for a tiny bit for their album, kings of leon for their 3 singles, 'use somebody', 'sex on fire' and 'revelry' and girls for their outstanding album, 'album'. so the award goes to paramore this year. decode the reason for my choice
album of the year
as mentioned it's 'album'
song of the year
came across this song while at gramophone and it was super soothing.. here goes
however it's pretty subjective but hope u've enjoyed the bit of my year