some pics that i went through in my folders and they certainly brings back memories
ahh unity, a school that i spent 4 years.. the place where many friendships are forged.. still misses the long hours of lessons, the soccer and basketball after school, playing raw deal in school.. ahaha those were good memories
this is miss chua, my math teacher for 3 years and form teacher for 2, dont look at her skinny skinny but she's got a lot of respect from us.. not fierce but VERY naggy and i'm sure all my friends would have agreed.. if there's 2 reasons for us to go back to school every teachers day, one would be soccer and the other would be her

weee the friday night soccer team without a few of them, soccer- what a wonderful thing, it keeps us going, i mean the friendship.. wonder how it would be like when most of us go into ns

ahaha 4 rotters and with them, i spend countless weekends at esplande rotting, sometimes with special guest appearance.. still wonder how the hell we take it sia.. out of the 52 weekends, think we made at least 35 trips to city hall o.o now that's a record
this pic, i guess its the one with almost all of them but still a few that are not in it.. the many bday celebrations for many people, are all good memories for the bday boys

lol a class photo with my poly mates taken during orientation, many have changed, i mean appearance and definitely one thing have changed, which is our friendship and looking at that pic, i cant even recall i did took it

a class photo that we took in year 2, with our mentor mr koh and future mentor mr michael.. ahaha comparing with the last pic the hairstyle of many have changed

haiz i dont have any class photo in year 3... but this is an outing with some of them to eski bar and we sure are a bunch of alcoholics

tioman, ah tioman, 3 days there with peeps and sure it was hell load of fun.. still misses the sun there and the lifestyle.. next time if i got my diver cert then we go again k?

putting this pic up without permission is bad u know? making her debut, my gf.. aiyo dunno how to talk abt her -.- like oh this is my beautiful gf, check out our matching.. er eyebrows?
my dad and mum, lol asking my dad to take a pic is sure a hard thing.. he doesnt show his affection but i know deep down he loves my mum alot, always fetching her from work when he is able to
and lastly, a pleasant 19 years journey and thanks alot for the laughters that we've shared, the scolding from our teachers, some 叛逆 stuffs that we did, long hours of proj, playing games through the middle of the night, jj almost every weekends, drinking till we get drunk... many many things..
i really wish there was a time machine :(
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