Tuesday, July 29, 2008
and they lived happily ever after
a spider web and i'm caught in the middle
only 15 days of freedom left, and soon i'll fall into the evil clutches of the NS
dammit, i got time but i dont have time lols.
what is this man? haiyo
ahaha nvm
have u ever read fairy tales, where the hero only met the beauty once, they fell in love with each other, but mad witch keeps beauty in possession, hero saw, hero saves beauty, hero wins, and they lived happily ever after?
no nv read any, ok u can read here
have u ever wondered what happen later? does every story ends with happily ever after. i dont know if it would be like this, but i believe in it..
i got this image of me hugging my wife, with her carrying a baby and the elder child standing infront of us. all the faces are blurred except myself, even though i may not survive till then, but its something i want, maybe the woman may already be in my life, maybe i have not met her, or maybe its a guy : liddat i will consider being single then
where am i heading? what i wanna do in the future, i hope my application for bachalor in education would be a success next yr, since i cant proceed in the research field, i would empower the later generation to continue with it, even if i play a small part in it, at least i helped
worries makes a person strong, and the hunger for bigger things. take example of the szechuan eq, oh hell no not this again right ok i'll take another, hmm lets say ur mom is diagnose with a terminal illness, and there's no cure for it, would it make u feel that u got to find a way to treat the woman that have spent years of her life nurturing to what u are today?
not everyone is afraid of dying, maybe some are, and they are worried that they would not have enough time to do all they wanted, while some others cant wait for that day, probably because they will be freed from the worries? lols
and a question to post> will they live happily ever after?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
it was nice, very nice, the widely anticipated portray of the joker by heath ledger wasnt disappointing, to the extend that it wow-ed me..
i gave it 4.5 stars out of 5 because, after the introduction of the other villain, it was quite rush, and why cant somebody just shoot the joker and ya... end of story.. but i dont mind it was a 3 hr movie, with and extension on the introduction of the other villain
i wont disclose the identity just because..... watch it urself, its worth it
but there's one thing, which is at the beginning, where batman fought a group of bad guys, then there's one guy holding the gun, and batman easily bend it. i mean he may have the strength to bend la, but is the other guy so strong too, like a clamp liddat?
aaaaanyways, read abt the section of who wants to be a superheroes on 8 days, and it says it cost abt an amazing 333.3 million bucks, that's like 3.333 x 10^8 dollars in standard form to be like batman.. a 15 million mansion, a hundred k spy gear, 2 k wardrobe, 136 million it support, 497k or a million for a car, 39k for the bike, 181 million for a plane and 163k yearly for a butler
alot isnt it?
then u shld seriously consider being
where u just need urm, 1k for the suit and use ur own red undies?
why so serious?
Saturday, July 19, 2008
the 111th
a not so simple yet simple bday celebration that made this great.. cake smashing was something i look forward to every year, and we did it again, presents, i dont really expect them... something that was so simple, like buying a cake and letting me cut it, was enough to make me happy. seriously i cant remember the last time i cut my own cake, since pri 3 liddat and sec 4 with my peeps
her effort and time placed into this occasion, the gifts, the late nights .. researching for the cakes to buy, spending her time shopping for the gift, the numerous hours she spent on the gift and the most heartwarming letter.. i read it five times already and it still makes me feel so touched
the cake :) abit too big for 2 but it's really nice

us after the cake smashing.. she damn fierce la, see my face so dirty T.T

my present ^^

the ribbon veh nice right, she tied it herself and what's inside?
taken these pics on a different day, the unveiling...
of winnie the pooh bear.. now u know why
love letter, the content wont be shower here bleah
and ta-daa, the wallet :o
dear, u are the best :D
memories overwrite memories, and it keeps getting better :)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
self evaluation
nvm today read the personal reflection journal that i kept in the past, where i occasionally write down my thoughts.. fyi, i kept one during sec sch but i threw it away -.- dunno why and this book started at ard jun last year
reading back, this time, without any pushing (or psychoing) from my fren, i did what i wanted, and reading back, the energy level was at its maximum, but now the low self esteem devil has come back to haunt me, which is one thing i gotta get rid of
its like cartoons, where u have an angel and a devil appearing beside u and the devil will pull the shirt of the angel over the head, and knock it out lol
i'm not thinking too much, how do u define too much? i'm thinking alot, a very speculative person i would call myself.. not that i'd say of myself, but really i think my anticipation is not bad, if i was a player inside FM, my anticipation would easily hit 15 i guess?
i think of everything, maybe not everything, the worst things or i can call myself a pessimist :(
a pessimist to make it as a clown? no way, how can u 感染 ur audience when u are feeling down? living everyday happily? possible?
why do i feel sucky
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
there were 2, after tonight, it'll be one
future, something u wouldnt want to think abt, but subconsciously u do, sometimes things cant be controlled, cannot be foreseen, predicted
i'm seeing far, very far, endless, but i didnt bother abt the present, and now i did
a very creamy after taste, rich and thick, very nice
i just want my bday to be an ordinary day.. and sometimes i think back, throughout my life, did i try to be special? no i just wanna spend my life being ordinary.... extraordinary, out of the ordinary? guess i want that now, but a simple 'happy birthday' from u will do
nobody can see tml, and i will, from now on live everyday like there is no tml
i'm not sure of myself, but there's one thing i wouldnt doubt
_o_ _e_e__e _e__e_ :x
i cant get enough of him
wow the way he perform this song, with the very 狼狈 drunk feel, damn especially the part he walked to the stage.. then the 对不起 hand signal.. wah lan
shit he also quite handsome la, lol and elizabeth say he very kissable, small mouth woo.. dammit i also agree sia am i gay? but seriously he's good
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
sometimes i do
looking at urself in the mirror is important as u look out for any changes and also what went wrong.. so during my peaceful ride to work, without my mp3, my mind started to wander, and i did some reflection.. what have u done for the past months? were they good? what is one thing u regret u didnt do? is it too late to do it now? what if i die now? what if i die in ns? what will it be like in ns?
and seriously, thinking back, some of my posts were trying to psycho people to do what they wanted and i hope i succeeded. lol but did i even psycho myself? damn
sometimes we really need some ________s, a little ________ is good enough
and sometimes, i do need
Monday, July 7, 2008
fri night..
final soccer night as most are being wiped out by army, with another 4 going in this week.. man rounded off the night with a memorable volley,
went to keppel bay with jc, jw, liang, man, qz, wk and yk and i was in wk's car lol.. the ride was smooth though, wasnt what i expected after comments from my other frens.. the place is really nice, damn nice, a good place to chill and relax, and a good place for couples.. the cake served at prive is oishi, but the prices of the main course was abit high.
then we went to somewhere at novena where we met up with zr to eat the jap food and it was also nice, but we were quite late and the sushi was not so 'fresh' and of limited choices
catch 10 promises to my dog with eliz at cine, and i must say the show will make u cry.. it also makes me realise i hate those shows that uses flashback at the end, where all the memories comes back, wah lan eh.. then it was to taka where we had oue lunch at the foodfair? food feast aiya i dunno what it's called but it's at the basement of taka the open space there.. alot of food but we only tried some but dunno why it was filling
newton circus with aloy, ed, fio, hz, jw, ly and vil for a gathering before aloy's enlistment as well as a mini celebration for the july babies.. too bad i cannot eat spicy stuffs but it was fun, then got one temasek acapella(?) group performing there, they were really good and one particular song that i remb was:
then after that we went to swensens next to paragon to eat ice cream.. lol thx for the vouchers man!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
get real
nvm let's look at another scenario, let's take for example like gambling, what are the chances of winning, ya money grows money, no venture, no returns. but what are the chances of winning, maybe 0.1%, 1%, i dont know.. all i know is pls get real, do u really think striking 4D or toto is even possible? if u do, then i can only say u are lucky
parents asking for too much of their children, packing their timetables with supplementary lessons, thinking that their children, 10 yrs of age could jump straight to poly..
a marketing director came out with an product, with ok features, ok price, ok design going into the market thinking it would be a hit?
and one more thing, a relationship with only love and nothing esle.. do u think it can carry on? yea love is essential, but other factors too
so, pls get real =/
ok not so much of the get real post, its the top 3 of my chart this week
first up is done stealin' by carolina liars..
second is ms jackson by outkast
and the last one is little red door by the zutons