a not so simple yet simple bday celebration that made this great.. cake smashing was something i look forward to every year, and we did it again, presents, i dont really expect them... something that was so simple, like buying a cake and letting me cut it, was enough to make me happy. seriously i cant remember the last time i cut my own cake, since pri 3 liddat and sec 4 with my peeps
her effort and time placed into this occasion, the gifts, the late nights .. researching for the cakes to buy, spending her time shopping for the gift, the numerous hours she spent on the gift and the most heartwarming letter.. i read it five times already and it still makes me feel so touched
the cake :) abit too big for 2 but it's really nice

us after the cake smashing.. she damn fierce la, see my face so dirty T.T

my present ^^

the ribbon veh nice right, she tied it herself and what's inside?
taken these pics on a different day, the unveiling...
of winnie the pooh bear.. now u know why
love letter, the content wont be shower here bleah
and ta-daa, the wallet :o
dear, u are the best :D
memories overwrite memories, and it keeps getting better :)
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